Rick Young posted on January 23, 2012 20:25
Several months ago I was contacted by a client who asked me if our company would work on their old house. This conversation was interesting because there was an undertone in my client's voice of concern that perhaps we would not. I was curious as to why this was, because we are always inclined to help our clients with any of their projects. In this conversation my client explained to me that she owned a very old house which was in desperate need of help and she was concerned that if work wasn't started soon, the house would fall.
I have worked on old houses for over thirty years and I have found that sometimes homeowners tend to over exaggerate their homes condition at times.
Well when I visited the house with my client I found that she was not exaggerating, in fact perhaps she understated the condition to avoid scaring me away.
Although when asked if I would be interested in helping her and her husband, I was nothing more than overwhelmed with pleasure, knowing that I was going to be able to take on this house that was, well pictures are worth more than I could describe.
Not only was I extremely excited about helping these nice people, but truth be told I was equally excited about the challenge to restore such a beautiful house that was falling into a desperate state of needing someone with the passion and love for such a task. I have worked on many houses throughout the years and I have had many houses that truly needed the experience that our company has to complete the project that we had been trusted to take on, however this house was in need of more than any house that I have had the privilege of working on in the past, which I was really excited about.
Of course I accepted the project. I am extremely appreciative, as I am with any project, to be fortunate enough to have our clients entrust our experience, integrity, and professionalism by allowing us to work on their homes, as I understand the importance behind this decision and do not take it lightly.
So yes, we will work on this old house, and quite frankly what is old? As I write this blog on my birthday I have to think that “What is old?” is a relative question. This house may have been built many years ago, but like myself, we both have many great years to look forward to, as long as we take care of ourselves, which is all this beautiful house is in need of, and I’m extremely grateful and honored to have been given the task to give this home more years to be enjoyed.
Happy Building,
Rick Young
Sonoma-Marin Construction